The Pros and Cons of Building In Public

  • John Emmons
Building In Public

In a recent TechCrunch+ article, Anna Heim covers the concept of "Building In Public". Building a venture firm or a startup is not just about securing funding and creating a product: It's also about building a community and establishing a strong online presence. Here are the pros and cons of building in public and how it can impact the success of your venture as well as best practices. This strategy involves sharing the journey of building a business with the public through various content creation channels like social media, blogging, and LinkedIn posts. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of building in public and how it can impact the success of your venture.


What Does "Building in Public" Mean?

"Building in public" can mean different things to different people, but at its core, it involves sharing the process of building a venture firm or a startup with the public. This transparency can take the form of regular updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and insights into the challenges and successes along the way. It's a way to engage with the audience, build a community, and create a pipeline strategy for potential investors and partners.

The Benefits of Building In Public

1. Creating a Strong Online Presence

Building in public allows entrepreneurs and fund managers to establish a strong online presence. By consistently sharing valuable content, insights, and updates, they can attract a loyal following of potential investors, customers, and partners. This online presence can also help in building credibility and trust.

2. Networking and Relationship Building

Creating content and sharing it with the public opens up opportunities for networking and relationship building. By engaging with the audience, entrepreneurs and fund managers can connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and potential collaborators. These connections can lead to valuable partnerships, mentorship opportunities, and even funding prospects.

3. Showcasing Expertise and Thought Leadership

Building in public allows entrepreneurs and fund managers to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. By consistently sharing valuable insights, industry trends, and unique perspectives, they can position themselves as trusted authorities. This can attract attention from potential investors and partners who are looking for knowledgeable and experienced individuals to collaborate with.

4. Feedback and Iteration

Sharing the journey of building a venture firm or a startup with the public also opens up avenues for feedback and iteration. By engaging with the audience, entrepreneurs and fund managers can gather valuable insights, suggestions, and critiques. This feedback can help them refine their ideas, improve their products or services, and make necessary adjustments to their strategies.

The Drawbacks of Building In Public

1. Loss of Competitive Advantage

One of the potential drawbacks of building in public is the risk of losing a competitive advantage. By sharing too much information about your business, including your strategies, innovations, and even potential partnerships, you may inadvertently give your competitors the upper hand. It's important to strike a balance between transparency and protecting your intellectual property.

2. Pressure to Deliver on Promises

When building in public, entrepreneurs and fund managers may feel the pressure to deliver on the promises they make to their audience. This can be challenging, especially when faced with unexpected setbacks or changes in the business landscape. It's crucial to manage expectations and communicate openly with the audience about the realities and uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey.

3. Distraction from Core Business Activities

Building in public requires time and effort to create content, engage with the audience, and manage online presence. This can potentially distract entrepreneurs and fund managers from focusing on their core business activities. It's important to strike a balance between building in public and dedicating time to product development, customer acquisition, and other essential tasks.

4. Negative Feedback and Public Scrutiny

When sharing the journey of building a venture firm or a startup in public, entrepreneurs and fund managers are exposed to the possibility of negative feedback and public scrutiny. Not everyone will share the same vision or agree with the decisions made along the way. It's essential to have a thick skin and be prepared to handle criticism constructively.

Best Practices for Building In Public

Now that we've explored the pros and cons of building in public, let's discuss some best practices to make the most out of this strategy:

1. Define Your Goals and Strategy

Before embarking on the journey of building in public, it's crucial to define your goals and strategy. What do you hope to achieve by sharing your journey with the public? Who is your target audience? What platforms will you use to engage with them? By having a clear plan in place, you can ensure that your efforts align with your overall business objectives.

2. Be Authentic and Transparent

Transparency is at the core of building in public. Be authentic and share your journey, including both the successes and the challenges. Avoid embellishing or sugarcoating the realities of entrepreneurship. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.

3. Engage and Respond to Your Audience

Building in public is not a one-way street. Engage with your audience, respond to their comments and questions, and foster a sense of community. This engagement will help you build relationships, gather feedback, and create a loyal following.

4. Balance Transparency with Protecting Intellectual Property

While it's important to be transparent, it's equally important to protect your intellectual property and maintain a competitive advantage. Be mindful of the information you share and strike a balance between transparency and safeguarding your business interests.

5. Manage Expectations

Communicate openly with your audience about the realities and uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey. Managing expectations is crucial to avoid potential disappointment and maintain trust with your audience.

6. Learn from Feedback and Iterate

Embrace feedback, both positive and negative, as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Use the insights and suggestions from your audience to iterate on your ideas, refine your strategies, and enhance your products or services.


Building in public can be a powerful strategy for entrepreneurs and fund managers looking to establish a strong online presence, network with industry experts, and showcase their expertise. However, it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons before adopting this strategy. By defining clear goals, being authentic and transparent, engaging with the audience, and managing expectations, entrepreneurs and fund managers can make the most out of building in public. With careful execution, this strategy can bring valuable opportunities and contribute to the success of their ventures.
